5iTech, LLC
© Copyright, All Rights Reserved, 5iTech, LLC 2013
Leon A. Polott Fonder, CEO Frank P. Nagorney VP, Gen. Counsel Edward D. Curran COO OUR TEAM ABOUT HOME CONTACT OUR PORTFOLIO OUR SERVICES Team
International Technology Capitalization & Commercialization
We Challenge the Status Quo with Groundbreaking Technologies
We Challenge the Status Quo with Groundbreaking Technologies

Leon Polott is the Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of 5iTech.

He is a an entrepreneur, technology commercialization professional, experienced deal maker and attorney. Over ~20 years, Mr. Polott has specialized in technology commercialization, technology transfer, strategic planning, startup operations and funding. Since the end of 2001, he has served as the CEO of 5iTech, LLC, the sole current shareholder in AlSher.

Prior to launching 5iTech, Mr. Polott practiced law with prominent law firms in Southern California and Ohio. He represented U.S. and foreign clients in multi-million dollar negotiations and advised them with respect to commercialization of novel technologies, international business ventures and market penetration strategies. He was repeatedly elected to chair the International section of the Cleveland Bar Association and served in that position from 1999 to 2001.

The US Department of Commerce appointed Mr. Polott to the U.S. - Russia Innovation Council on High Technology (an entity organized at the direction of President Bush and President Putin) where he served as one of 5 US business representatives from 2005-2011.

Mr. Polott is a native of Moscow; he immigrated to the United States, earned a BA with honors in government from Oberlin College, and earned his Juris Doctorate from The University of Texas School of Law where he was a member of the Texas International Law Journal.