5iTech, LLC
© Copyright, All Rights Reserved, 5iTech, LLC 2013
Our Services
We Challenge the Status Quo with Groundbreaking Technologies
We Challenge the Status Quo with Groundbreaking Technologies
Technology-Driven M&A Support:
5iTech’s experience with matching technology, products, and markets for technology-driven companies can be an invaluable resource for planning and executing Mergers & Acquisitions. 5iTech can provide:
- Patent Valuation Services; Determine market value of underutilized patents for divesture, Determine the market value of patents included as part of an acquisition, Provide valuation expertise in support of litigation, Risk-Adjusted Discounted-Cash-Flow Net Present Value analysis
- Tech-Centric Due Diligence
- Improve attractiveness of your divesture or acquisition target: Product analysis, R&D capabilities, Competitive analysis, Marketing, Sales, and Distribution evaluation, Technology-dependent aspects of Revenue, Capital, and Legal issues
- Business Sector Analysis: Competitive Analysis, Industry Trends, Market size, growth, segmentation
- Structuring and Negotiating Deals: Competitive analysis, Strategy Development, Partner / Investor / Distributor attraction, Negotiation of favorable terms
- Post-deal IP Portfolio Alignment: Pre-Divestiture review of included IP, Pre- and Post-Acquisition review of acquired IP, Identification of licensable/sellable patents, Sale/Licensing of non-strategic patents.