5iTech, LLC
© Copyright, All Rights Reserved, 5iTech, LLC 2013
International Technology Capitalization & Commercialization
Our Services
We Challenge the Status Quo with Groundbreaking Technologies
We Challenge the Status Quo with Groundbreaking Technologies

IP Portfolio Optimization:

Intellectual Property (IP) often forms a significant fraction of the value of a business unit. Throughout its lifetime, however, every US Patent costs over $7,000 to maintain. Foreign patents can be even more expensive. 5iTech helps clients reduce costs and generate additional revenues through portfolio optimization. Our fee is typically a small fraction of the resulting positive impact on the client's bottom line. 5iTech conducts Technology-focused IP Portfolio reviews to assist clients to:

  • Align IP Portfolios to current business objectives: Pre-Divestiture review of included IP, Pre- and Post-Acquisition review of acquired IP, Identification of licensable/sellable patents, Eliminate unnecessary maintenance fees, Identify patents with no future or residual value, Identify foreign patents providing insignificant value to the enterprise

  • Identify holes/weaknesses relative to current state-of-the-art and help develop strategies to address such weaknesses through licensing, acquisitions, etc., Compare with worldwide state-of-the-art patents, Identify innovations to fill gaps, Identify third-party patents to license-in to shore up gaps,

  • Generate revenue from licensing or sale of non-core IP: Identify underutilized IP, Identify and engage third-party buyers and licensees, Negotiate favorable agreements to generate revenue,

  • Provide Patent Valuation Services: Determine the market value of underutilized patents for divesture, Determine the market value of patents included as part of an acquisition, Provide valuation expertise in support of litigation

5iTech uses sophisticated techniques to review and value patents, either individually, or as portfolios. Each 5iTech IP review begins with uploading the client portfolio into the 5iTech Patent Information Management System. This system uses a Proprietary Scoring Model to comparatively determine:
  • Technology Strength compared with other ways of achieving similar results
  • Claims Strength to determine how well the IP can be defended in litigation
  • Market Strength: application fields, size and growth of market segment, etc.
  • Relative value compared with competing patents in the same field

5iTech ’’s Patent Valuation Service maps this patent strength information onto a financial model to produce a Risk-Adjusted Discounted-Cash-Flow Net Present Value for the patent as the basis of revenue generation. Our valuations have been used to support Acquisitions, Divestitures, Mergers, Litigation, Cross-Licensing Deals, and other important IP transactions.